Pagit-pagit, is one of the Karo tribal foods made from the contents of the Ox's hull
The Karo tribe is one of the tribes that inhabit the Karo highlands of North Sumatra. Karo Plateau is an area in the province of North Sumatra, which is approximately 72km from Medan City.
Each region in Indonesia certainly has its own types of traditional cuisine that are characteristic of the region. Likewise the Karo people who have traditional foods that are characteristic. In the Karo highlands there is a unique dish called pagit-pagit.
Pagit-pagit is said to be unique because it is made from grass that is inside the stomach of a cow or buffalo. If you are not used to it, you will feel disgusted seeing it. Because indeed the grass that is inside the stomach of a cow or buffalo is almost exactly like cow dung and buffalo.
If you observe the pagit, the same as the curry in general. To make pagit, the grass in the cow's stomach is removed and separated from the stomach. Grass that has been removed and then squeezed using a thin cloth to remove water and this water is what will be cooked with a variety of herbs and a mixture of other ingredients.
Pagit-pagit usually made with a mixture of ingredients such as cassava leaves or yam leaves, ox innards, bones and skins of ox or gravel. This food can be eaten with rice. Hmmm. . . Are you interested in eating this unique culinary?