"Ayam Betutu" Balinese Typical Food, Which is Rich in Various Spices

"Ayam Betutu" Balinese Typical Food, Which is Rich in Various Spices

Bali, is one of the islands in Indonesia which is visited by many tourists, both local and international. This is because Bali has a culture that is still thick, and places that are still beautiful.

In addition, Balinese food is also very diverse, there are Plecing Kangkung, satay wrap, lawar. The most famous Balinese food is Ayam Betutu or Betutu Chicken

Ayam Betutu is one of the foods from Bali which is well known for its pervasive spices and seasonings and its unique cooking methods.

The hallmark of Ayam Betutu is the spices and seasonings that are used by many types. This makes the Ayam betutu become very rich in flavor and marinade seeps into the chicken or duck meat used.

There are two types of seasoning used to make chicken betutu, namely Bumbu Genep and Bumbu Wewangenan.

Bumbu Genep consists of spices in the form of onion, kencur, candlenut, garlic, turmeric, galangal, ginger, laos, cayenne pepper, lemongrass, brown sugar, lime leaves, bay leaves, and coconut oil.

Whereas seasoning fragrances consist of black pepper, white pepper, cloves, nutmeg, tabia bun, coriander, candlenut, menyan, jangu, bangle, and kaffir kaffir.

Two types of seasoning that has been mashed and sauteed, then smeared on the outside and inside the chicken that will be made chicken.

spices used for cooking Ayam Betutu very many types. So he named this food Ayam Bebetu because "Betutu" in Balinese is a term for a mixture of certain spices. 

In addition to its many spices, another uniqueness of this Balinese food is how to cook it. Processed chicken foods that we usually eat may be cooked by frying, roasting, or steaming.

The chicken or duck used to make this dish is cooked by putting it in the husk and covered using coals. After all the spices have been smeared and put into the chicken's stomach, then the chicken or duck is wrapped in banana leaves and its midrib.

The purpose of using banana leaves and fronds is to make the chicken fragrance even more fragrant. Wrapped chickens are then planted in the ground and covered using coals and husks.

The process of making this Ayam Betutu was not a moment. It takes hours to get the taste of chicken that is savory, tender, a pervasive spice, and arises from the unique burning of the husk.

But now many chickens are no longer cooked by being buried in the ground and burned using hot coals. To be more practical, many are now cooking chicken or duck betutu using the oven. Because it uses an oven, the distinctive burnt aroma in this Balinese food is less pronounced. If you visit Bali, then you can easily find restaurants or restaurants that sell chicken betutu.

But before 1976, Ayam Betutu can only be enjoyed at religious ceremonies.  Ayam Betutu was popularized by Ni Wayan Tempeh in 1976 and is a Balinese food originating from Gianyar. Since then, Ayam Betutu then spread throughout Bali and can be enjoyed at any time.

Typically, Ayam Betutu served with several other complementary foods, such as plecing kale, fried beans, and chili paste.

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