Indonesia is a country famous for its batik. Batik has been established by UNESCO as the original cultural heritage of Indonesia. And it turns out that batik originating from Indonesia has many motives.
Originally batik was created using white cloth made from cotton (cloth). As the changing times of the process of making batik cloth can also use cotton, silk, rayon, polyester, and other synthetic materials. Kinds of batik motif itself was created using liquid wax with a medium that is canting for fine motifs, as well as brushes for batik motifs that have large sizes. After that the wax will seep well into the fabric fibers. The cloth that was finished was painted using canting and then dyed for coloring.
The dyeing process is generally begun by using young colors which is then the process of dyeing older colors to obtain a darker fabric color motif. After a number of times of the coloring process of batik cloth, the batik cloth is dipped in a chemical solution to dissolve the wax.
1. Batik Sekar Jagad

This batik motif is one of the very unique motifs in Indonesia. This type of batik originated from the Java region, more precisely Yogyakarta. Batik Jogja has a fresh meaning of the universe that is beauty or beauty that makes people who look at it enchanted.
There are also those who interpret that the motives that are shaped like these islands mean that as the name implies, namely sekar universe. In Javanese, "kar universe" has the meaning of a world map. This batik motif began to develop in the 18th century.
2. Batik Sidomukti Magetan

This batik motif from Magetan district has a basic motif of drawing bamboo. Like other batik, batik is generally used on official occasions or traditional ceremonies. The meaning and philosophy of this Sidomukti batik motif is the hope of obtaining inner and outer peace.
3. Batik Keraton

Initially, the batik motif of the palace was very exclusive. Ordinary people are not allowed to use this motif because only the Sultan and his family can use it. But later, the provision was revoked and ordinary people could use this motive.
Among the reasons for this exclusive motive is that the inventor of the original motive was the princesses of the Yogya palace themselves, which in fact are still members of the Sultan's family. Actually, there are many types of batik clothes that are owned by the Yogya Palace.
Keraton batik is batik literature that uses traditional patterns that develop in the palaces in Java. Variations in the style of written batik with an amazing combination of art, outlook on life, ethics, and the personalities of the palace environment that gave birth to it.
Batik Keraton is in Surakarta Sunanate, Yogyakarta Sultanate, Mangkunegaran Temple and Pakualaman Temple. The main differences from the four Batik Kraton are in the shape, size, patra and shades of soga (brown).
4. Batik Jepara

Jepara batik motifs can be divided into two, namely old motifs and new motifs. Old Jepara batik motifs have a pattern with black lung color, brown elephant, flora and fauna, green screw leaves and others. Whereas Jepara's new batik is a kind of handmade batik. Jepara Batik itself is also popularly known as Batik Kartini. As the name suggests, this Jepara batik can be found in the city of Jepara
5. Batik Solo

The characteristic of batik from solos which is often referred to as sogan batik is the color of the brown motif. Solo Batik also still applies traditional concepts by only using natural ingredients as its coloring. The philosophy of Solo batik motifs is that the waves of Bengawan Solo River bring peace.
6. Batik Kawung

This kawung batik motif may have been so well known by our grandfathers long ago. This is because this motif is one of the oldest batik motifs in Indonesia. In the past, this motive could only be used by royal people as the king's sheath or empress.
The Kawung batik motif has a spherical pattern similar to that of the Kawung fruit (a kind of coconut fruit or often also referred to as a fro) which is arranged neatly geometrically. In another form, this kawung batik motif can be represented as a lotus flower image with four blossoming petals. Lotus or lotus is a flower that symbolizes longevity and holiness.
Kawung batik motifs are generally named based on the size of the large or small oval shape that is in one particular motif. For example, Kawung Picis batik motifs are Kawung batik motifs which are arranged and arranged by small circular grooves. The word Picis comes from a currency worth 10 cents which has a relatively small form.
Whereas the Kawung Bribil batik motif, the kawung batik motif, is arranged or arranged by a relatively larger form than the Kawung Picis batik motif. As the name implies, bribil, is a currency that has a relatively larger form than the picis and has a value of half a cent. Based on the shape of the kawung batik motif which has a round shape which tends to be bigger than the Kawung Bribil batik motif called the Sen Sen.
7. Batik Tasik

Batik does not only exist in the Java region alone, various types of batik motifs are currently also developing in the Land of Sunda. And each region has its own characteristics and philosophy for its batik motif, this Tasik motif also has its own characteristics. Batik originating from Tasikmalaya is usually in the form of grass, fauna and some things related to nature. While the coloring, generally blue, red and brown.
8. Batik Malang

Malang batik is popular with batik motifs that tend to be bright, such as having a blue base color and then overwriting it with white, then white material overwriting with red. Average Malangan batik is patterned plants or some symbols of the city of Malang such as the temples in it.
9. Batik Pekalongan

Generally the motives of Pekalongan are influenced by outside cultures that come because of trade. This is because the location of the city of Pekalongan is very strategic for trade because it is easily accessible from all directions.
10. Motif Batik Mega Mendung

The motif originating from the city of Cirebon has its own characteristics in making motifs. Among the most popular motifs that also characterizes the city of Cirebon, the Mega Mendung batik. Mega cloud batik filled with patterns in the form of clouds with dark colors such as dark blue, dark red, dark green and so on.
11. Batik Cuwiri

Cuwiri batik is a batik motif that uses natural soga dyes. In the past, cuwiri batik motif users indicated a high degree of degree to its users and were only used for certain traditional ceremonies, such as for the Mitoni ceremony, which is the Javanese tradition used to commemorate the age of 7 months of pregnancy. Also, this cuwiri batik motif is used to hold the baby. Cuwiri batik is also commonly used for dresses and semekan.
This cuwiri batik motif is dominant using gurda and meru elements. The word Cuwiri has a small meaning, and it is expected that the wearer is appropriate, harmonious and respected according to the way of life of Javanese people, namely prosperity and kindness.
12,Batik Pringgondani

The name of this Pringgondani batik is taken from the name of his house Gatotkaca son of Bimo / Werkudara. Pringgondani batik motifs generally display dark patterns such as indigo blue (indigo blue) with natural brown soga filled with tendrils or small grooves combined with a dragon.
13. Batik Sida Luhur

Batik motifs that have a prefix sida (pronounced sido) are a group of batik motifs that are made by many batik makers. While the word "sida" has the meaning of being / being / carried out. So, batik motifs that begin with "Sida" have an expectation that what they want can be done. Sida Luhur batik motif (pronounced Sido Luhur) has the meaning of hope in order to achieve a high position, and can be an example or role model of the community.
There is a myth about the making of the Sido Luhur batik motif which demands its maker, beginning with holding one's breath long enough. The Sido Luhur batik motif was made by Ki Ageng Henis, the grandfather of Panembahan Senopati who was the founder of the Javanese Mataram kingdom, and was the grandson of Ki Ageng Selo.
It is said that the batik motif of Sido Luhur was made in a special way by Ki Ageng Henis to be given to children and their offspring. Hopes and prayers so that the user can have a noble heart and mind so that it can benefit the country and society.
The philosophy behind the meaning of the batik motif Sido Luhur also means successfully developing, perfecting yourself into a virtuous human who always pray, remember and give thanks to Him. This motif is a motif used by brides at weddings. This motif comes from the Yogyakarta Palace.
14. Semen Rama

Batik semen rama is interpreted as a depiction or representation of a "semi-life" (the word spring which means to develop or prosper). There are many types of main ornaments on the cemen batik motifs. The first, ornaments that have a relationship with the land, such as four-legged animals or plants. Second, ornaments that have a relationship with the air, such as birds, eagles, and megamendung. Third, ornaments related to the sea and water, such as fish and frogs.
The types of ornaments are most likely related to the principles of the Three Realms or Tribawana. That principle is the teaching of the existence of three worlds namely the middle world where humans live their lives, the upper or nirvana world which is the home of gods and saints, and the underworld which is a place where people live their lives filled with anger.
Besides having meaning, the batik motif of Semen Rama (read; Semen Romo) itself is often linked to the story of the Ramayana story which is full of Hastha Brata's teachings or the sacred teachings of virtue that are passed by eight paths. The teaching is a priority advice from Ramawijaya to the Wibisana when he was crowned king in the Alengka kingdom. So the word "Semen Romo" has the meaning of the main qualities that should be owned by the kings or leaders of the people.
15. Batik Sida Asih

Sida Asih or Sidoasih Batik motifs are included in one of the types of batik palace. Sidoasih batik comes from Javanese language, "sido" and "asih". The word "Sido" has a continuous / finished / continuous meaning. While the word "compassion" means love. So that Sidoasih batik can be interpreted as a symbol of a human life full of love and affection, reassuring human life in the world and the hereafter.
In Javanese tradition, this Sidoasih batik is often used at weddings, where batik cloth with the Sidoasih motif is used as a bridal evening dress. By wearing the Sidoasih batik motif, the bride has hope to be able to live her new life more harmoniously, and be more romantic full of love.
16. Batik Tambal

The word Tambal means to patch or repair something that is broken. In a journey of life, humans must introspect or make improvements to get to a brighter life, both physically and mentally.
Since a long time ago, patched batik motif cloth was recognized to help cure people who were sick. One of the steps is to cover the sick person with patched batik cloth. Myth or belief in Javanese society arises because people who are sick are considered to have something "lacking", so the healing process needs to be "patched".
17. Motif Batik Sudagaran

This type of batik is a motive forbidding by the citizens of the palace, so artists from the merchants make new motifs according to the tastes of the merchant community. They also changed the motive for the prohibition where the motive could be used by the general public. Saudagaran batik motifs usually have the impression of "bold" in determining colors and shapes, the use of natural objects or animals, or a combination of dominant color patterns with soga and dark blue colors.
This Sudagaran Batik motif presents quality that is qualified in the process of batik workmanship and the level of complexity in presenting new design variations. The Sudagaran batik craftsmen do the keraton batik by providing fairly complex isen and filling it with checks (spots / dots) to give a more beautiful batik impression.
18. Batik Petani

Petani batik motif is a type of batik that is made as a distraction or side job for housewives at home while not going to the rice fields or when they are free. The batik is made rougher and has a stiffer accent and not smooth.
The batik motif Petani from generation to generation will adjust to their respective regions and this farmers' batik is done unprofessionally because it is only a free time. The coloring steps also follow the merchant's batik pattern.
Culture and Art